
© 2012 Proper Manky

My friend SA recently gave me detailed instructions on how to set up the perfect humidor which involved installing an Oasis Ultra Humidifier, spraying the inside of the humidor repeatedly with distilled water, etc.

I was seriously considering his advice but unfortunately all the humidors I found looked like baby coffins. Needless to say, I had a severe aesthetic reaction.

So I opted instead for a proper manky tupador for less that $20 including an OXO 2.4 qt storage container, a digital hygrometer, and a couple of Boveda 72% Humidipaks.

Presently, this set-up keeps a few Fonseca Cubanos, Dunhill Altamiras, Ashton Double Magnums, and an Arturo Fuente King T at a cozy, sub-tropical climate.

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